Professor Peter York, recognised among the “TRUE GIANTS” of Pharmaceutical Sciences
May 20, 2017
“Giants of Pharmaceutical Sciences” is a collection of special issues of Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, honouring scientists who have made lasting contributions to the field. The January 2017 issue is dedicated to Crystec’s Chief Scientist, Peter York. An internationally acknowledged expert in the field of supercritical fluids (SCF) and pharmaceutical science, and founding member of CrystecPharma, Peter York serves as an advisor on the MHRA Expert Advisory Group and for WHO; he is an Emeritus Professor at Bradford University and a Chinese Academy of Science Visiting Professor at Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica. CrystecPharma are delighted with this fitting tribute to a remarkable scientist, entrepreneur and individual. The Peter York Dedicated Issue of JPharmSci® is available at
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